
Permission To Use the YMS and the MCQ

Thank you for completing the request form! Use the links below to download the surveys and related materials that will help you use them. Please note the availability of Australia-specific materials at the bottom of the page.

For Mentors: the MCQ
For Mentees: the YMS
Request Surveys


Individual downloads of updated materials (US versions):

The materials below are the most current and best materials available. They will help you administer the surveys and generate scores. Click on the ones you need to open them, then use the "Save As" command under the "File" menu to save them to your computer. Please note that these materials are all specific to the surveys used in the United States.


Match Characteristics Questionnaire, revised 2018


Match Characteristics Questionnaire descriptive summary


Youth Mentoring Survey for 4th Grade & Up, revised 2018


Youth Mentoring Survey descriptive summary


Administration guide for the YMS


Subscale compositions for both surveys (including inversions)


Download all of the current materials in a single compressed folder
Note: Copy or save the folder to your computer, then right-click on the saved/copied folder and select "Extract All" to create a non-compressed folder. Please note that these materials are all specific to the surveys used in the United States.

Individual downloads of original (older) materials (US versions):

The materials below are provided for those who continue to need the original materials. They will help you administer the surveys and generate scores. Click on the ones you need to open them, then use the "Save As" command under the "File" menu to save them to your computer. Please note that these materials are all specific to the surveys used in the United States.


Match Characteristics Questionnaire, v 2.22 (actual survey)


Youth Mentoring Survey, v 1.23 for 4th Grade & Up (actual survey)


Subscale compositions for both surveys (including inversions)


Entry template for both surveys


Download of all original materials in a single compressed (zipped) folder.
Note: Copy or save the folder to your computer, then right-click on the saved/copied folder and select "Extract All" to create a non-compressed folder. Please note that these materials are all specific to the surveys used in the United States.

Download materials for use in Australia:

The Match Characteristics Questionnaire (MCQ) and the Youth Mentoring Survey (YMS) have been adapted for use in Australia. Click here to access all of the related materials in one compressed (zipped) folder. Copy or save the folder to your computer, then right-click on the saved/copied folder and select "Extract All" to create a non-compressed folder.





Home | For Mentors: the MCQ | For Mentees: the YMS | Request Surveys